Busy city streetsLet’s face it: Drivers ed was a while ago. And we either had dad, an older brother, or a favored uncle saying, “OK, let’s go for a ride.” That ride was to learn how to drive, wear your seatbelt, learn the perfect double handed grip on the steering wheel, use your turn signals, look behind you before backing up, follow the speed limits, and yada, yada… the rest was an unsaid assumption that it will come to you, and you will learn with time and develop good driving habits.
And then you realize it’s been 5-10-15 years since that day. How did you get into these driving habits and where has the time gone? It makes sense when you examine something that took a long time to master, such as parallel parking. Parallel parking was difficult at first, and it took a lot of concentration. However, once you become accustomed to parallel parking, it became second nature.
The same behavioral principles that apply to parallel parking also applies to speeding, tailgating, rolling through stop signs, distracted driving and so on. Unfortunately, these are unhealthy habits that become entrenched in your everyday routine and go unnoticed, not to mention sometimes illegal. Even when our bad habit is the cause of the accident, we dismiss it by blaming the other driver or saying something ridiculous like, “Well, it’s Monday!”
It’s true that traffic laws might be difficult to understand. They can differ from state to state, and even from municipality to municipality. The growth of our traffic regulations can also be a source of confusion, since a violation in one place may allow turning right on red but not in another. When you add in the evolution of smart phones, you’ve got yourself a huge distraction problem. When it comes to driving, however, the patchwork quilt of traffic legislation should be put aside in favor of safety.
Here are the driving habits you should focus on breaking

Driving distracted

When you’re driving, it’s critical to stay focused on the road to minimize distractions, as distracted drivers are more likely to cause accidents. Eating, thinking, and texting are just a few examples of driving distractions that can lead to poor driving practices. Teens texting and driving are a leading cause of car accidents and fatalities, yet most teenagers are unaware of the hazard.

Failing to signal

It’s critical to communicate your next move to other automobiles and pedestrians so that they can slow down and accommodate you. At least 100 feet ahead of time, send out a signal.

Riding the brakes

Keeping your foot on the brake pedal may be putting undue strain on your vehicle’s brakes. Downshift to maintain a safe speed if you’re driving a car with a manual transmission (stick shift)

Rolling through stop signs

Come to a complete stop before turning or advancing into the intersection, even if you believe the roadways are clear. If you don’t and the intersection isn’t an all-way stop, you risk causing a collision and receiving a driving ticket for failure to yield.

Slowing down to look at crashes or construction
Rubbernecking is not only harmful, but it can also cause traffic to slow down in a chain reaction. Keep your eyes on the road ahead of you to be aware of any closed lanes or police personnel directing traffic following a collision.


One of the most hazardous and annoying things a driver can do is tailgate. Following too closely behind the automobile in front of you can cause an accident, and it may cause the driver in front of you to retaliate by brake-checking. Wait until it’s safe to pass in another lane if you want to travel quicker but preserve a safe distance until then.

Sudden stops

Keep an eye on your surroundings and be prepared to halt if necessary. Slowly pressing the brake pedal helps to minimize excessive brake pad wear.

Fast starts

Pulling away from a stoplight not only wastes petrol, but it also puts a load on your engine’s vital components. Accelerate at a slow, even pace.

Driving on fumes

The gasoline works as a coolant in older electric fuel pumps. There is less fluid to help cool the engine when you drive with little fuel in your car. Even when the gasoline level is low, the fuel pump is encased inside a tube and surrounded by fuel at all times in today’s vehicles. Find out what to do if you fill up your automobile with the wrong fuel.

Parking illegally

When you’re in a hurry, it’s tempting to park in prohibited places, but your decision could put others in risk and result in a large charge for you. Outside of authorized parking hours, resist the impulse to park in handicap spaces, red zones, or along curbs. Also, avoid easing into a parking place until you reach the curb, since this might harm your tires and possibly cause alignment problems.

Running yellow or red lights

It can increase your chance of a crash. If the light turns yellow before you reach the intersection, it’s best not to risk it.


Failure to obey speed limits increases your chances of getting involved in an accident or being pulled over. It’s one of the more dangerous driving habits. The purpose of speed limits is to keep vehicles and pedestrians safe. When you drive faster than the speed limit, you risk running off the road on a curve or colliding with other vehicles or pedestrians.

Improper Merging

How many times have you found yourself stuck behind someone who doesn’t know how to merge on a motorway onramp? They let car after automobile pass them, thinking they’re being courteous but they’re impeding traffic flow. Similarly, there are motorists who do not understand the concept of patience. They appear to believe that speeding to the front of a line of automobiles merging onto the freeway is appropriate behavior when they are aware that the lane combines. This is also incorrect and should not be implemented!

Not Checking Blind Spots

Blind spots are inherently risky, but failing to inspect them is even riskier. Drivers who don’t look have a tendency to drift into other lanes, nearly colliding with other vehicles; this can result in worry and distraction at the very least, and a major car accident at the very worst. When changing lanes, make sure not only to check the proper mirror, but also to look over your shoulder to ensure the coast is clear.


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