Magazine Articles

The Dealership

The Dealership

We all know how it starts...(While Chiming to Whomever is paying attention) You know, this old thing is just costing us way too much money and all those dings and scratch's are such an eye sore! Did I tell you I recently saw my coworker driving this sexy car he had...

Reputable Repair Shop

Reputable Repair Shop

The reliable car, ah yes… That rolling box with wheels that takes you from point A and B. Yet, we know that vehicles are not bulletproof. Like any other mechanical manufactured device, they will eventually need tender loving care or shall we say servicing and repairs....

Smart Cars

Smart Cars

Automated common sense? Because who needs human intuition and decision-making skills? You can have a bunch of wires and circuits making all the choices for you. Oh, the wonders of modern technology and smart cars!With all the new cars being pumped out to meet the...

Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles

"Electric Ave" was the song Eddy Grant sang in 1982 and a lovely tune it was. Though the 80's seems like such a long time ago, it kind of fits todays direction the auto industry is aiming for as engineers are battling to stave off earths looming climate crisis with...

Sharing the Road

Sharing the Road

As we embark on summer, many of us are eager to hit the road and explore our beautiful state, or even venture to neighboring States. However, it's important to remember that sharing the road with larger vehicles can be challenging and potentially dangerous. By...

Be Diligent

Be Diligent

Let's face it, if you've been a driver for a while, you undoubtedly had to take your car to a service center for repairs, some of which may have been costly. Vehicle owners must be diligent. These expensive repairs go well beyond routine auto maintenance and are...

Repair Cost

Repair Cost

You're singing along to the radio as you drive down the road when all of a sudden, your car has a nasty surprise for you. It could be the "check engine" light or a strange noise coming from underneath the hood. You're in a panic; who do I call? What ought I to do?...

Serious Business

Serious Business

We all want to feel free, and nothing makes us feel freer than getting into our cars and speeding away from our worries. We utilize our cars for more than just commuting; we use them as an emotional instrument as well, and this is serious business. Let's face it, our...

Save that Gas

Save that Gas

While gas prices continue to rise, we can't help but find ourselves driving from gas station to gas station looking for the greatest deal, and it doesn't appear that this will change anytime soon. The first step is to download the app (Gas Buddy) to help you go to the...

Car Maintenance Myths

Car Maintenance Myths

People's knowledge of the world comes from a variety of places, and for as long as cars have been on the road, there have been tall tales about everything from when to change your oil to how to save money on gas to the rise of self-driving cars. There are a lot of car...

Emotional Attachment

Emotional Attachment

It’s time to do some spring cleaning of your emotional attachment and have a heart to heart with your vehicle to tell that hunk of metal that you do not love it, no you do not! Instead, inform your vehicle that you only rely on it! If you just owned your vehicle and...

Automotive Technicians

Automotive Technicians

We're all aware of the labor shortages that are affecting all businesses. In the retail and service industries, this is especially true. Restaurants confront difficulties with wait staff, cooks, and management, although one can cook at home if necessary. Retail...

Car Insurance

Car Insurance

For car insurance, you pay one amount, your best buddy pays another, and your neighbor pays yet another. What's going on? Most insurance companies look at several key factors to calculate how much you'll end up paying for your car insurance. To clear things up, take a...

Adolescent Drivers

Adolescent Drivers

Driving is one of the most popular daily activities we all do, and it usually begins while you're an adolescent. Many adolescent drivers, and even adults, develop a driving addiction, and it's easy to see why. Going on road trips with your automobile and friends, or...

Driving Habits

Driving Habits

Let’s face it: Drivers ed was a while ago. And we either had dad, an older brother, or a favored uncle saying, "OK, let's go for a ride." That ride was to learn how to drive, wear your seatbelt, learn the perfect double handed grip on the steering wheel, use your turn...

Windshield Repair Scams

Windshield Repair Scams

Scams appear to be ubiquitous these days, especially on the internet. We all have this unspoken super power to think you'd be able to tell if someone was attempting to con you. But you don’t deal with it every day, so how skilled are you, really? The key is to...

Car Purchasing

Car Purchasing

Americans flock to vehicle showrooms in droves to obtain what they want, with no patience required! The once-negotiable car purchasing has devolved into, "I'll give you everything you want as long as you don't make me wait!" If you're looking for a car right now, you...

Gas Mileage

Gas Mileage

With our weather changing to delightful temps, one can’t help but to hop in the car and take a trip to enjoy this time of the year. But, Gas prices seem to be on a steady increase, so it’s no surprise that people are always looking for ways to increase their gas...

Automotive Fundamentals

Automotive Fundamentals

Having a car is both a luxury and a financial investment. Apart from being a safe driver, the most crucial thing is to learn the principles of automotive fundamentals. This information will aid in the long-term protection of your investment by avoiding potential...

Defensive Driving

Defensive Driving

The saying goes, its not you I’m worried about it’s the other drivers. We certainly cannot control what other drivers do. There is no question that defensive driving techniques can help reduce your risk of being involved in a collision. The key is to understand the...

Car Confidential

Car Confidential

I'm very excited to announce my first book "CAR CONFIDENTIAL" As most who follow my content know, I am very passionate about empowerment. As a consumer advocate, I've been eagerly working on my book for a little over two years. I believe it's important to share the...

Door Dings

Door Dings

Yes, Yes…everyone hates door dings and let's face it, they are hard to avoid. Whether you're driving to work, grocery store or the dental office, chances are you're going to have to park your vehicle in a parking space next to other vehicles. And when you’re pressed...

Being Stranded

Being Stranded

It’s never fun being stranded on the side of road! But, if and when it happens, wouldn’t you like to know what to do? Let’s take a moment together and go over some important and valuable lessons to consider, perhaps you may pay the lesson forward through community...

Sharing the Road

Sharing the Road

As we embark on a new year and enjoy the pleasant weather ahead, many of us are eager to hit the road and explore our beautiful state, or even venture to neighboring states. However, it's important to remember that sharing the road with larger vehicles can be...