Automated common sense? Because who needs human intuition and decision-making skills? You can have a bunch of wires and circuits making all the choices for you. Oh, the wonders of modern technology and smart cars!
With all the new cars being pumped out to meet the consumers demands, Assisted-driving features are all the rage these days, and it’s not hard to see why. Who wouldn’t want their car to do all the work for them? But hold your horses, folks, your vehicle will not make you a cappuccino….Yet! and there’s a catch!
These smart cars may have some fancy technologies that can make your driving experience smoother and safer. Let’s not forget that you still need to remain vigilant and responsible behind the wheel. You’re certainly not getting off that easy.

Sorry to disappoint

Now, don’t get me wrong, safety sensors are impressive, but they’re not perfect. They may struggle with some tricky situations, such as icy roads or unclear lane markers. And let’s not forget about those jerks who suddenly cut you off on the road.
It’s almost like they’re intentionally trying to ruin your day! These adaptive cruise control features may adjust your speed to the traffic ahead, but they might not react fast enough to save you from the reckless driving of others. The latest and greatest of vehicle assist technology is slowly transforming us into the new frontier of laziness and complacency. It’s incredible how far we’ve come in terms of technology, but at what cost?
The idea of having your car brake for you or park itself may seem like a dream come true, but let’s not forget that relying on these technologies is not the best idea.

First and foremost, these technologies are not foolproof.

There have been numerous cases where they have failed, resulting in accidents that could have been prevented if the driver had been paying attention. So, while it’s nice to have the smart cars safety net, you still need to be aware of your surroundings and in control of your vehicle at all times.
Secondly, relying too much on vehicle assist technology can actually make you a worse driver. You start to forget the basic skills that are required to operate a vehicle, such as checking your blind spots, turning your head to look behind you, and properly adjusting your sideview mirrors. This can lead to a false sense of security, and you may end up making dangerous mistakes that could have easily been avoided.
It’s like forgetting how to ride a bike because you got a fancy electric one. That’s why it’s crucial to go back to basics and learn how to drive a vehicle at its simplest form.
Yes, yes and yes, this means actually paying attention to the road and being in control of your vehicle at all times. It means learning how to properly brake, how to merge, how to park, and how to navigate through traffic. It means understanding the rules of the road and being aware of your surroundings.

Take the time to learn how to drive your car properly

Turn your head to look behind you— (Surprise! It’s another car coming!) Adjust your mirrors correctly, –(Whoops, I can see said the blind spot!) and understand how to brake properly— (PS: you can just let go of the accelerator to slow the vehicle down on its own before you brake at the last minute!) And please…don’t be distracted by your phone or other devices, and PLEASE don’t blame other drivers for your shortcomings. – (You know who you are!)

Fear not, here is a quick review to remind you of what you most likely know but have forgotten and where driver-assist features fall short

Safety sensors may not respond ideally to all real-life situations. For example:

  • Lane departure sensors, for example, warn you if you’ve crossed into another lane, but they may not detect an icy patch, faded lane markers, or sharp curves in the road. Who is would be to blame?
  • Adaptive cruise control will adjust your vehicle’s speed based on the speed of traffic ahead, but it may not react as quickly if another vehicle suddenly cuts into your lane. Avoid using cruise control during heavy traffic or congestion.
  • Sensor-equipped cameras can detect objects in your path, such as small animals or pedestrians, but drivers may begin to rely solely on the sensors and become less inclined to check their surroundings. Kids and pets move fast and all it takes is a few seconds! Slow your roll and triple check your surroundings!

Using driver-assist technology safely

No matter how high-tech your car is, it’s essential that you:

  • Pay close attention. Drivers may be more easily distracted by electronics, passengers, and other factors as automated features become more prevalent. Tik-Tock can wait, so can that text for a Starbuck’s order from your coworkers. To stay safe on the road, avoid these common driving distractions. Its simple if you can be patient!
  • Provide the intellect. No, we are not calling you a dummy! Automated systems can be useful, but they are not human. You as the drivers must still be able to react quickly in traffic situations.
  • Go over the fundamentals again and again. As drivers become more reliant on car features, they may forget to check mirrors, check blind spots when changing lanes, and perform other basic driving skills. Read your owners manual and Get back into the habit, whether or not your car is assisting.

So, keep up your good driving habits

By doing so, you’ll become a safer and more responsible driver, and you’ll be able to navigate the roads with confidence and ease. So, you’re driving a bit slower or more cautiously, who cares what others think! Your life may depend on it! Trust me, they won’t be coming to your funeral!
Get to know and embrace all the latest safety features available in new smart cars, it’s a wonderful generation of technology to be a part of, but don’t forget to combine them with your own driving skills to keep yourself and your loved ones safe on the road. Who knows, you might even become a better driver than your car! (Mic Drop)

The thought of technology outpacing our human connections should frighten every car driver. Who knows, we just might end up with a flock of new generation tech-savvy dummies roaming our roadways.

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